Workforce Development

BRC workforce development programming
BRC workforce development programming helps residents of BRC’s shelters overcome obstacles to employment so they can be effective job seekers and valued employees. Workforce development provides group workshops, individual counseling. and ongoing job retention support that enables participants to find and maintain lasting stability through employment.
Nearly three-quarters of workforce development clients face one or more challenges relating to a limited education, history of criminal justice involvement, mental health and/or substance abuse disorder, or chronic medical conditions.
Clients are coached to be self-confident, motivated job seekers, with the knowledge and skills to find and maintain employment independently. This approach ensures that participants not only exit the shelter system, but maintain housing independence and economic self-sufficiency long after they graduate the program.
For more than 20 years, BRC's workforce development program has helped thousands of men and women move from unemployment and homelessness to independence and self-sufficiency.
Employment Readiness and Retention
In the past year, BRC's workforce development program assisted hundreds individuals in finding and maintaining jobs. BRC encourages clients to build the skills they need to get their ideal job by working in the jobs which are available to them. In line with this strategy, many of our retention efforts are focused on helping clients take the next step in their employment.
On average, 83% of workforce development clients retain continuous employment for 3 months after placement, 62% maintain employment at 6 months, and 37% retain continuous employment for one year.
BRC's workforce development program’s performance outpaces retention outcomes of similar workforce development programs throughout the country. Data from the Benchmarking Project, a multi-year, nationwide workforce development initiative supported by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, demonstrates that our workforce development program's outcomes are well above the average three, six and twelve-month retention rates (75%, 55% and 34% respectively) of other workforce development programs that primarily serve individuals experiencing homelessness.