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Membership of the Advisory Group for the Inwood Sacred Site (AGISS)

The AGISS was formed to provide recommendations to BRC regarding how best to develop the site in a way that appropriately honors the African and Indigenous peoples who once lived and honored the land. AGISS is comprised of descendants of African and Indigenous peoples, Inwood’s community residents and leaders, historians, advocates, and BRC staff.

Membership of the AGISS Includes:

Meredith Horsford

Former Executive Director, Dyckman Farmhouse Museum

Carol Stevens

Church of the Good Shepherd Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Ministry

Chief Ayanda Ifadara Clarke

Ajibilu Awo of Osogbo, Founder and CEO, THE FADARA GROUP, LLC

Don Rice

Board President, Dyckman Farmhouse Museum Alliance

Elizabeth Lorris Ritter

Former Chair, CB12 Parks & Cultural Affairs Committee

Ian McCallum

Member of the Munsee Delaware Nation, Ontario

Maria Lizardo

Executive Director, NMIC (Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation)

Natalie Espino

Director of Museum Education, Academic Programs & Community Engagement, Hispanic Society Museum & Library

Nicole Clare

Chief Real Estate Development Officer, BRC

Former Members/Contributors

Curtis Zunigha

Former Cultural Resources Director, Delaware Tribe of Indians

Sandra Harris

President, Washington Heights & Inwood Chamber of Commerce

John T. Reddick

Historian & planner

Karen Taylor

Executive Director, While We Are Still Here

Gene Peters

Board Trustee, The Schomburg Corporation


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